Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Entry 15!

Once this was all done i had all the objects ready to import. I then imported them all to canvas, creating the scenes carfully and tweening. This took the most of a week to perfect it aswell as change scenes and characters to get the timing correct.

Entry 16!

Entry 14!

I then created all the scenery work over the next few days. This included, a small outer rim town, actual town, beach and cliffsides aswell as a dark night grass scene. I added a few ambient creatures into my animation such as a frog and a dog to make it seem there was more going on during the animation.
Entry 13!

Once my templates for my scenes had all been drawn i began to fill them out. With clothing, armor, weapons etc. This fleshed them out and made them ready to import.
Entry 11!

I then continued to create the website. Adding finishing touches to all the tables making it all equal and perfect. I then began converting all my research into PDF format and then combined it all into one combined pdf portfolio. I put this inside my website folder, and added a link to the combined pdf inside my website in the research page. I wrote up a quick about on illustrator in the correct font for the about page on my website. I also then added my storyboard which i designed into the storyboard page of my site.
Entry 10!

Today i was ready to go! i began by creating all the necessary tables to import my images/buttons into. The buttons were easy to import and use as they didn't change color or size which was something i had originally intended on. Each page would be identical bar the information inside them.
Entry 9!

Once i had finished my sketchbook work i felt it was time to begin designign my website for my final project. The website was going to minimal, red and white as i had planned it all along. I sketched out some ideas for my website that i liked and then began creating it using dreamweaver. I designed the logo and buttons on illustrator and then imported them all into dreamweaver.
Entry 8!

I felt something auethentic was missing from my sketchbook so i took several pieces of paper, drawing viking designs on them i ripped the paper and used soy sauce to make the paper seem old and aged. To add extra authenticity to the images i burnt the edges creating a look that felt aged and decayed.
Entry 7!

Over the course of the next few days i began drawing out my character designs onto paper with fine liners. Once i had drawn a considering amount of viking character designs i pulled them from the pad glueing them to my sketchbook. The characters i drew headed towards the comedy direction again. After i had glued them in i continued to watercolor them paint and adding more vibrancy and character to them. Each character was very distinct and amusing in my opinion.

Entry 6!

Today i continued my animation research in my sketchbook. Not wanting to forget a mention of some of my favorite and most influential artists i added them, as well as the very book that influenced my animation. The art of how to train your dragon. The book had amazing visuals including watercolors of cliche fat vikings that suited my mental idea of how i wanted to draw my vikings perfectly. i researched the artists other work and found he had done the concept art for Kungfu-panda aswell as other popular mainstream movies. Adding images of his art i continued to design my own characters

Entry 5!

I began working on the narrative for my story. Throughout my influencial period and my early doodles i noticed a pattern emerge that would change the face of my animation forever! Comedy! I felt my vikings with their fat bodies and humorous experessions were perfect for comedy. They could ransack towns, kill innocents while stick look amusing and hardly threatening at all! So i continued to write a narrative. The story would take place in the dark ages. During the first known viking raid on the shores of england. The vikings layed siege to a small chapel on the eastern coast and killed all the priests there stealing their gold and then leaving. i Wanted to reinact this in a humorous way, with drunk, fat vikings making their way around the town killing the priests, chasing them about and having their way with the people.
Entry 4!

Having a few days to blow off steam i decided to continue with my research. My research i then went onto subject specific research. This would involve actual Viking research and the artists that inspired my research. I began by researching vikings in popular media, logo design and the various other popular every day places you wouldn't notice vikings in popular media. I then began to research clothing vikings would commonly wear. armor, weaponry etc to get a feel for how i wanted my vikings to be dressed. I also looked at transport (e.g. longboats).

Entry 3!

After finishing the basic outlines of how animation came about, to how it has impacted modern mainstream media today i began delving deeper into animation and the techniques used in both 3D and hand drawn animation. I felt it was more important to focus on the hand drawn side of animation as well as flash animation as it made the impact on my project. i began by discussing what animation was, then the methods of production. From storyboarding, animatics then all the way to actual production discussing tweening, inbetweening etc.
Entry 2!

With finishing my history of animation research i decided to take a break. I felt if i wrote too much it would eventually come out in rushed drivel, as i have 8 weeks to finish my project i see no reason to rush the outcome. So i continued from where i left off, the history. I began researching current animation. Mainly in the circuits of 3d animation as it has conquered modern animation in the film industry. Incorporated in both real movie and fuly animated films. I mentioned popular movies such as UP and the transformers Duo.

Entry one!

Entry 1!

This is the first entry of my Final major project diary. The images for my research, development and character design will all be included in pdf and sketchbook form. Anyway!
I began by deciding correct research points. This was difficult as animation is so broad. So i figured i'd begin start...at the start? With the history of animation. Flowing the origins of animation with discoveries of ancient egyptian animation and other ancient methods right through to the different scopes.